Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Twitter Doing It Big

              I cannot say that I am a fan of Twitter nor one of the 230 million users. I used Twitter on my smart phone for two weeks and then deleted it. I never really liked it, but maybe thats because I'm kind of shy and don't like sharing my feelings or "tweeting" them. I stick to Facebook, as my main social media and would choose Facebook over Twitter any day. I do agree that Twitter may have been a little too cautious and could have made a lot more money than the amount that they came up with, but that decision may have been smart, although a problem like the one Facebook had to go through could have been waiting. I think that it is amazing that Twitter and Facebook are along side Google. Google is an outstanding search engine that every human being uses and it is a great accomplishment to be at Google's level. The prices for Twitter are shooting up every week and changing rapidly. A five dollar increase occurred in a single week, from $44.90 to $50. I do not want to say this, but I do believe that Twitter will leave Facebook in its dust. Twitter going public is an amazing accomplishment, that would put any huge company into a nervous state. This will only show how many people really believe in Twitter and what people will dig into their pockets to throw down their money for such a company. A six month waiting period occurred before twitter went public. Twitter going public is a huge step and I think its time that  Twitter is ready to throw down with the big shots and label its stock.


  1. I look forward to seeing the final prices for Twitter. I think Twitter will have high but reasonable prices as they hold a world market (with more than 3/4s of users outside the US), have advertising involvement, and seem to be up to date with today's fast moving culture. I agree with you that Twitter has a huge advantage with being along side Google. I do not want to see the loss of facebook though. I love both, even though I find myself reluctant to using social networking sites avidly.

  2. Twitter is already down to 42.60 as of today. The bump up to fifty was part of the opening day frenzy which has already died down. If it were easy, I would honestly be quite ready to take what they call a "short" position on the stock, meaning betting that it would go down further. Facebook did this for awhile, but part of this had to do with a badly handled PR campaign around the IPO. With Twitter, I have more fundamental doubts about its valuation.

  3. I think that Twitter may have played it on the safe side but I think they would rather be safe then sorry. I think it is a great move for both twitter and google as they can help each other grow even bigger then they already are. All they can do is help each other
