Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chaos in Moscow

         Ethnic violence was the catalyst of a riot in Moscow which caused much trouble for the residents and police of Moscow. Migrants seem to be a huge problem in Moscow and I believe that much effort should be put into expelling them. To have a resident of Moscow say, "We are scared to walk the streets at night," is not alright nor healthy for the production and success of Moscow. These migrants are causing to much problems than the good that they bring to Moscow. Another resident also stated that these migrants take up low paying jobs, like construction that many residents would not do, but if that is all they are doing then much effort needs to be put into the act of expelling them. The great help by Moscow's police, detaining around 1600 migrants, a statistic stated in the article posted  by ( shows a great start. Ethnic violence can be started very easily in Moscow and I believe careful steps must also be taken to quell the violence that may erupt. Different ethnic holidays is one of the examples that may cause violence to erupt. Migrants are said to be targeted during these ethnic holidays and that they should take much caution in transporting from day to day activities. A lot of chaos is occurring in Moscow at the moment and can definitely be taken care of. Steps must be taken to quell the chaos and violence.


  1. I found it absolutely absurd that the migrants are coming into Moscow and not respecting rules such as stopping at red lights. There needs to be tolerance for different religions, races, but at the same time migrants need to cooperate, assimilate, and respect the people of Moscow. Nice post, your quote really sums up what you think should be done in Moscow.

  2. It is good that the migrant workers are coming in search of work but must keep in mind the laws previously set in place. Russian citizens should not feel unsafe or in harms way in their native land due to immigrants. If something is not done I think the tension is likely to build.

  3. It's important to remember that much of the violence in this episode was actually caused by ethnic Russians. It seems like it is very hard to separate out our own views on immigration in this country from that in Russia, but it's important to remember that some of the migrants may actually be from parts of Russia with different religions or different languages. It's also important to remember that some of the reporting of supposed criminality comes from anti-Russian nationalist groups. That's why some see this episode not as really about immigration, but as about resurgent nationalism.

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  5. It seems that immigrants cause many problems around the world, but it is important to also think about all the beneficial things they do for their new country. In this case, working construction, which has helped improve the Russian economy. Respectful attitudes from both immigrants and the Russians could easily help solve the problem.
